Our Book of Common Prayer teaches that “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church” (BCP 298). At St. Mark’s, our mission statement calls us to live out our Baptismal Covenant on a daily basis. This Covenant (BCP 304) calls us to prayer, fellowship, and amendment of life as we proclaim the Good News of God in Christ, seeking and serving Christ in all persons, while striving for justice, peace, and dignity for all creation.
The sacrament of Holy Baptism is part of the public worship of the church and is celebrated as part of our Sunday worship. Baptism is offered for people of all ages, from infant to adult. It is expected that persons who are Baptized at St. Mark’s will answer affirmatively (through their own voice or that of their sponsors) the questions asked in the baptismal covenant, particularly concerning their participation in the life and ministry of this parish.
Before Baptism is celebrated there is instruction of the candidate and/or parents and Godparents (sponsors). If you wish to be baptized, or for your child to be baptized, please contact the Parish Office.