How We Worship
Worship is a fundamental part of St. Mark’s identity as a community of faith. As part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, we worship using a Book of Common Prayer [BCP], the first of which was published in England in 1549 and that has since been revised and adapted to meet the needs of people worshipping in different times and places. The BCP used in the Episcopal Church was last revised in 1979, although newly authorized alternative forms and texts are offered to ensure that liturgy (“the work of the people”) remains a vital and dynamic part of our corporate Christian life. both traditional and transformative.
Our normal order of worship on Sundays is the Holy Eucharist (from Greek meaning “thanksgiving”) in which we hear scripture, pray together, sing together, and share Holy Communion. Every person who is searching for God and joins with us in worship is welcome to share in the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
We joyfully welcome children of all ages to fully participate in our worship. Children are full of wiggles, and sometimes it helps if you sit near the front so they can see what is going on. Feel free to leave if your child needs a break but be certain to come back.
Please join us in the Parish Hall for fellowship after the service. We want to get to know you!