About Us

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is comprised of folks who live in the surrounding St. Louis Hills neighborhood and from other areas of the city and county. We are a group of skilled laborers, college professors, business people, performers, doctors, lawyers, social workers, filmmakers, stay-at-home parents, students, retirees, and youth of various ages. We seek and serve Christ in all persons while respecting the dignity of all creation. For more than two decades St. Mark’s has been welcoming our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered sisters and brothers to share in all manner of church life.
We are blessed to be caretakers of a beautiful worship space, a rich musical heritage, and the diverse liturgical tradition of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Since 2010, St. Mark’s has offered space for a Community Garden (the Garden of Eatin’) in partnership with Gateway Greening. We reach beyond our doors through a number of ministries (DOORWAYS Interfaith Housing, Meal-a-Month/Feed My People, Episcopal City Mission Juvenile Detention Parties, and others). And after all is said and done, we like to kick back and enjoy each other’s company. A lot.