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Our Clergy

The Rev. Delaney Schlake-Kruse, Rector
The Rev. Jerre Birdsong,
The Rev. Dr. Teresa K.M. Danieley, Priest Associate
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The Rev. Delaney Schlake-Kruse (she/her) is thrilled to serve St. Mark’s as rector. She recently returned home to St. Louis after eight years serving congregations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Delaney+ is passionate about relational ministry, preaching, thinking theologically, and helping to connect the church with its neighborhood. Delaney+ is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, OH), and she is currently in the process of completing a Doctor of Ministry program with United Lutheran Seminary (Philadelphia, PA). She joins the clergy of St. Mark’s after nearly nine years as an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and she is a very excited to move into ministry with the Episcopal Church. When she’s not in the office, she enjoys gardening, drinking coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is joined by her spouse Matt and their son Milo. Together, they are looking forward to this chapter of life and ministry with St. Mark’s! 

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I have served as deacon at St. Mark’s since my ordination by Bishop George Wayne Smith in November 2014.  I previously served as candidate for the diaconate at Trinity Church in the Central West End and postulant at Emmanuel Church in Webster Groves after graduating from the Episcopal School for Ministry in 2004.  Following my retirement from Ameren Corp., I received a graduate certificate in Non-profit Management and Leadership from UMSL with an internship at BJC Hospice.
My ministry focus is immigration through the Interfaith Committee on Latin America and social services through Isaiah 58 Ministries.  I have spent many years on non-profit boards addressing low-income housing, children’s advocacy, hunger ministry, and the YMCA of Greater St. Louis.
I continue to be inspired for outreach ministry by my wife Gayle who died in 2010.  I have two adult daughters in the St. Louis area and two grandchildren who call me by the coolest grandpa name ever – Big Dude.


The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley, a priest for over 17 years, is pleased to serve as Priest Associate at St. Mark's, having worshiped at St. Mark's for several years with her husband, Jonathan, and their three young children. Teresa+ serves as the St. Louis Champions Organizer at Missouri Jobs with Justice and previously served as Rector of St. John's, Tower Grove for 12 years. Teresa+ has a BA from Yale University, an MPP from the University of Chicago, an MDiv from the General Theological Seminary and a DMin from Eden Theological Seminary. She is a Board member of Sanctuary in the Ordinary (affordable housing redevelopment) and volunteers with the Mann Elementary School PTO, Metro Trans Umbrella Group Pantry Deliveries, Faith Aloud and the Yale Club of St. Louis. Teresa enjoys traveling with her family and learning about French language and culture at the Alliance Francaise de St. Louis.


Our Support Staff

Organist & Choir Director,
Dr. Barbara Raedeke

 Dr. Raedeke is a faculty member at Washington University and holds a Bachelor of Music degree in church music from Valparaiso University, and a Master of Music and a Doctor of Musical Arts from the Eastman School of Music. She performs widely and has served churches in St. Louis, New York, and Connecticut. A member of St. Mark’s, she served on the committee that oversaw the selection and installation of the church’s Juget-Sinclair organ.

Parish Administrator, Melissa Engle

Melissa was born and raised in south St. Louis.  A devoted St. Louis Cardinal's fan, Melissa also enjoys spending her free time with her two daughters. She received a B.A. in Psychology from UMSL. Melissa became the parish administrator in December of 2020.  She has previous experience as an administrative assistant as well as customer service.  

Youth Christian Formation, Celeste Kocot

Celeste has cared for the children at St. Mark’s for over 50 years. She began as a nursery care worker, then was asked to teach the Sunday school program “Living the Good News”. In 1996, the “Godly Play” curriculum was introduced, and continues for children three through seven years old. Celeste made all of the “Godly Play” materials, including over 100 wooden figures and other story pieces. Every year, she presents a new theme for the summer classes. 

She also works with the children in the community garden, the Garden of Eatin’, located on the church property. The garden provides a great outdoor classroom for presenting many Bible lessons. In addition to enjoying the work of youth Christian formation, Celeste is happy to be teaching some of the children of parents who attended her class when they were children. 

She enjoys photography and working on her classic car.

Organist & Choirmaster Emeritus, Robert Mullgardt

Organist & Choirmaster of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1963-1976 and 1999-June 4, 2017. Upon his retirement the designation of Organist and Choirmaster Emeritus was conferred upon Bob by the vestry.

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