How we Believe
While fine points of theology are left to individual conscience, the following summarizes how many of us engage our faith at St. Mark’s:
We believe that God loves you just as you are—and beyond your wildest imagining.
We love Jesus, we read the Bible and we take scripture seriously, though not literally.
We share Communion with all who hunger for God and seek a deeper relationship with Christ—this is an invitation, not a requirement.
We promise to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every human being—and that means everybody.
We affirm and bless committed relationships that are life-long and monogamous, but recognize that divorce happens and do not punish people for it.
Men and women can be priests, deacons, and bishops in our church, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity.
We respect an individual’s right to make personal, informed decisions about birth control.
We love science and encourage people to care for the earth.
We love prayers and songs that are ancient and new—and anytime you want to show up, please be our guest!